• info@tabletennisnorth.ca

Same Game Challenge

Same Game Challenge

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Table Tennis North is excited to be part of the “Same Game Challenge” with Canadian Women & Sport and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities.

Canadian Women & Sport and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities (Jumpstart) are proud to announce the 49 sport and recreation organizations participating in the second cohort of the Same Game Challenge, taking place from July 2023 to January 2024.  

Through the Same Game Challenge, we will build competencies and develop the skills that we need to close gender equity gaps and create positive, sustainable change in sport. The program will provide us with learning opportunities, mentorship, action planning and collaboration through a range of tools, including: 

  • An online gender equity journey that includes creating a gender equity vision, implementing activities and so much more.  
  • 1:1 coaching and mentorship on how to embed gender equity into their organizational strategies, process and programs.  
  • Access to free licenses of the Gender Equity LENS e-learning module for organizational leaders.  
  • A $1,000 honorarium to support organizational gender equity activities. 
  • Connection with a community of participants made up of diverse people and organizations from across Canada.  

We are looking forward to being part of this amazing program!!!

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