Stories around the North #weareallteamnt

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So many amazing things are happening in the North that are worth while featuring. Check out what happened just this week in the Northwest Territories. Here are just a few …

Yellowknife teenager Tanaka Muwirimi has travelled to the Premier League’s West Ham United in pursuit of his dream: European academy soccer.

Darren Horn already has an accomplished resume when it comes to coaching volleyball, but he’s about to add another line to that. And it may be the biggest one yet.

Good luck to our U19 Wolverines who are headed to Alberta this weekend! Stay tuned for results!

Congratulations to the NWT’s Blair Chapman who has leveled up to Starter 3B!!

Hockey NWT and former NHL’er Curtis Glencross at the Hay River Golf Club having a blast with the youth!!!

Sport North “They can coach grant”

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Reach out to us at [email protected] if you like to put an application in. A great opportunity to receive some professional development, training, or participate in conferences.

Canada Day

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We want to reflect on the significance of this day and the importance of acknowledging the indigenous territories on which our great nation was built.

Canada Day is a time for celebration, but it is also an opportunity for us to deepen our understanding of the rich history and cultural heritage that predates Confederation. The lands and waterways we enjoy today have been inhabited by indigenous peoples for thousands of years, and it is crucial that we recognize and respect their enduring presence.

In commemorating Canada Day, let us not forget the path towards reconciliation that we are collectively undertaking. Reconciliation is a journey that requires us to confront the injustices of the past, acknowledge the ongoing challenges faced by indigenous communities, and work towards building a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

By embracing the principles of reconciliation, we can foster a society that values and respects the rights, traditions, and contributions of indigenous peoples. This includes supporting initiatives that promote indigenous languages, cultures, and self-determination, as well as actively engaging in dialogue and education to bridge the gaps in understanding.

On this Canada Day, let us come together as a nation to celebrate our shared values, diversity, and the progress we have made towards reconciliation. May we use this occasion to reflect on the past, honor the present, and commit ourselves to a future where indigenous peoples are fully recognized, respected, and empowered.

To learn more about how Canadians can support Indigenous communities, please refer to the 94 Calls to Action developed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

We hope today’s events and reflections can help create a more equitable future for all.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

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National Indigenous Peoples Day helps us to recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada.

We encourage you to participate in activities in your community to learn more about the richness and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultural expressions and stories.

Delma Kisoun Memorial Community Contributor Award

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Congratulations to Northwest Territories Thorsten Gohl for winning the 2023 Delma Kisoun Memorial Community Contributor Award with Sport North.

“I am grateful for all the opportunities and possibilities in being part of amazing organizations here in the North. We have some wonderful athletes, coaches, volunteers that like to tell their story.” – Thorsten

Check out the nominations video from several organizations that submitted their nomination:

Thorsten has been involved with the Territorial Sport Organization for 9 years now, supporting every aspect in Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories. Beyond that, he has been a Board of Director for Table Tennis Canada in the last three years and sits on several committees within several National Organizations in Canada.

“I say it again, I am grateful that I am in this position. I am privileged to be involved in so many organizations, share my thoughts, and most important, listen to what is happening around me. Good things will happen and I will continue to do my best in supporting our youth to gain experiences, create opportunities, so they can become the best version of themselves.”

We are looking forward seeing more coming from Thorsten and his involvement on a territorial and national level. Once again, congratulations to this award and the volunteer time you spend to support those around you!!!

HIRING Virtual Coach for the NWT

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Table Tennis North is looking for a coach, helping and supporting us with virtual learning, capacity building and program development. Are you interested supporting us remotely, coming for a visit and showcasing the amazing things about Table Tennis with the Northwest Territories? Then let us know!!!

Developing a grass roots program for schools and northern communities
Offering virtual Table Tennis sessions remotely to northern communities
Overseeing the mentorship program with community coaches

Anyone that would like to join us in the North can work mostly remote with visits to the Northwest Territories for weeks at a time and travelling to the communities. Grass roots program development will start in July, outreach to communities from September to February, virtual sessions and mentorship programming will begin in October.

If you are interested, please send your cover letter, references and CV to [email protected]. Please send your applications in before July 7th, 2023.

2024 Arctic Winter Games trials

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Please be advised that the following dates have been selected for the 2024 AWG Territorial Trials:

Team Sports – Nov. 22-26, 2023
Individual Sports – Dec. 13-17, 2023

Please make sure that your passport is up to date. At the time of the Territorial Trial registration, participants will need to provide proof of a valid passport, or that they have submitted a passport application (renewal or new application) and received a processing number from the Government of Canada.  For more information on Passports please follow this link

The registration deadline for Territorial Trials will be October 2, 2023.

Congratulations to Yukon’s Kevin & Brian

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We are so proud of our friends from the Yukon. Kevin Murphy and Brian Stuart just received national awards with Table Tennis Canada.

Ivy Liao, Colombie-Britannique – Female Athlete of the Year
Peter Isherwood, Colombie-Britannique – Male Athlete of the Year
Afif Charara, Quebec – Coach of the Year
Brian Stuart, Yukon – Official of the Year
Kevin Murphy, Yukon – Contributor to Sport of the Year

Kevin Murphy:

When the News asked Murphy about the impact the award would have on the sport in the territory, he said it would raise the profile of table tennis in the Yukon.

“For a while we may not see the full effect but it will definitely not hurt the profile of the sport in the Yukon. But we still have to put in the work in the game.”

Check out the article in News Yukon:

Table Tennis Canada announcement:

School Championships in the news

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Aki Iwase YK Open Winner

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Hosted at Weledeh School in Yellowknife, the YK Open was a huge success. Showcasing the best Table Tennis that the Territory has to offer. Congratulations to Aki Iwase for winning the tournament in a close match against Canada Winter Games athletes Nikhilesh Gohil.


1. Aki Iwase

2. Nikhilesh Gohil

3. David Dragon

We are looking forward to another edition of the YK Open in the new year!!!

Are you interested in Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories?