• info@tabletennisnorth.ca


Table Tennis included in the 2018 South Slave Arctic Winter Games

TT NORTH 210 comments

Very exciting news today, Table Tennis will be included in the 2018 South Slave Arctic Winter Games. A huge thank you to everyone that made this possible!

GO Team NWT GO!!!


AWG South Slave 2018

TT NORTH one comments

A wonderful article on the AWG South Slave 2018. Check it out!!!

Ask any competitive athlete from the North about the legacy of the Arctic Winter Games and the answer will always be one of lifechanging influence, says Betsy Mawdsley, a former biathlete from Fort Smith who has competed on the national and international circuits.

“I don’t think you can find an athlete from the NWT who was successful who didn’t come out of Arctic Winter Games,” she says.

AWG Trials are coming up soon – sign up!

TT NORTH 210 comments

SIGN UP every one for the Arctic Winter Games Trials and have a good chance to become part of the NWT Team going to Greenland in March 2016.

Are you interested in Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories?