The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field of play.
Take the PLEDGE with the Coaching Association of Canada.
What is the RCM?
Established by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the RCM invites all coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent safety principles. It includes three distinct pillars, each serving to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart, and Secure.
The RCM Pillars
Each pillar of the Responsible Coaching Movement provides crucial elements, resources and processes to follow for sport to be Safe, Smart and Secure for all.

Rule of Two
A safe sport environment ensures all coaches, staff, and administrators apply the Rule of Two. When following the Rule of Two, all interactions and communications with participants are in open, observable, and justifiable settings, and two responsible adults — whether a coach, parent, staff or screened volunteer — are present. There may be exceptions in emergency situations. Check with your sport organization as to how the Rule of Two is enforced.

Background Screening
A secure sport environment is one where all coaches and sport organization leaders are screened to meet requirements to be involved in sport. Screening includes comprehensive background and reference checks, interviews, plus police information checks, to be done at regular intervals.

Ethics Training
A smart sport environment ensures coaches are trained and have the confidence and skills needed to effectively manage challenging situations. Lifelong learning through numerous training modules helps coaches expand their knowledge and awareness of important topics throughout their career.
Create a positive sport culture
The following action items protect participants and coaches while fostering a positive sport culture:
- Engage in Safe Sport Training.
- Ensure your organization has taken the RCM Pledge.
- Support your organization by having key policies, like a Travel Policy, Code of Conduct, Screening Policy Template, and see that these are current and enforced.
- Ensure that all coaches and volunteers are appropriately screened.
- Encourage coaches and volunteers to take training, such as NCCP Make Ethical Decisions, Commit To Kids, Respect in Sport, Mental Health in Sport, and NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment training.
- Commit to the True Sport Principles.
- Ensure all staff, parents and volunteers actively apply the Rule of Two in all interactions and communications, for all in-person and in digital/virtual settings.
Take control of your journey with the Play SafeBC tool! This anonymous resource is here to help you explore your options and find the next steps that feel right for you. Your answers are safe with us—no sharing, no tracking. Just support when you need it most.