Table Tennis North hosts inaugural Virtual Freestyle Ping Pong Corporate Challenge

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Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, January 17, 2022 – Table Tennis North (TTN) is excited to launch its inaugural 2022 Virtual Freestyle Ping Pong Corporate Challenge, which will take place from January 21 to 31, 2022. This event aims to encourage new and continued participation in the sport of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories through a safe avenue during these unprecedented times. Registration for the Challenge opens today!

“The Virtual Challenge is designed to be a fun event and bring some friendly competition as teams represent their organizations, and compete to win the TTN Corporate Challenge Trophy and bragging rights,” said Thorsten Gohl, Executive Director for Table Tennis North. “Now, more than ever, sport participation is essential to help us stay healthy in mind, body, and community spirit.”

The event comprises of four challenges: 1) Ping-Pong Flip; 2) Balance Jump; 3) Wall hit; and 4) Hand switch. Participants will record themselves completing any of the four challenges within 30 seconds and submit a video to Table Tennis North. Officials will assess the results and calculate scores.

The winners will get their team name added to the TTN Corporate Challenge trophy and receive a plaque, as well as a free youth table for their facilities. There will also be individual prize packs for one male and one female with the highest individual scores.

The Virtual Challenge is open to all businesses and organizations located in the Northwest Territories with no age restrictions. A maximum of four participants are able to be a part of each team to represent a business or organization. Anyone working within the organizations is eligible to join. For the Challenge guidelines and additional information, please visit:

Table Tennis North is a not-for profit organization that supports, promotes and develops an active, healthy and fun environment with the sport of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories.


For more information, please contact:

Thorsten Gohl

Executive Director
Table Tennis North

[email protected]
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Aerobic Table Tennis coaching session

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Table Tennis North & Aerobic Table Tennis came together on Saturday, January 15th, 2022 to educate female coaches in the Territories and Canadian National Team Athletes to learn more about Aerobic Table Tennis.

“The hope now is to have the program delivered virtually to schools and communities in the North. Inspiring the communities to be active and having fun” says Executive Director Thorsten Gohl.

Starting Aerobic Table Tennis 10 years ago, Steve Rowe was excited about it. “Who would have thought it would be possible to hold a virtual Aerobic Table Tennis Workshop? In partnership with Table Tennis North, we held the first ever virtual Aerobic TT workshop. It was an amazing thing to be part of and I can’t thank the girls enough. It was a huge success. Big thanks to Thorsten Gohl and Table Tennis North for making it possible.”

Table Tennis North will have more workshops in the near future and work in partnership with other organizations in the near future to help and support coaches Canada wide. “It is about coming together, and providing everyone with more knowledge. You don’t need to just do Aerobic Table Tennis, but take some of the elements for your tool box, and we are happy with that,” continues Thorsten.

A huge thank you to Table Tennis Canada’s Gender Equity Committee to help and support our programming in the North. Reaching out to all the three Territories and even including National Team Athletes.

We will partner with other organizations to provide a full on High Performance Aerobic Table Tennis program virtually. Bringing our Provinces & Territories closer together.

Merry Christmas

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From everyone at Table Tennis North, from our bubble to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! Stay safe and take care.

Thorsten Gohl appointed to the ITTF Media Committee

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At the World Table Tennis Championships and the AGM for the International Table Tennis Federation, Thorsten Gohl was appointed to the Media Committee. The Committee Chair will be reaching out to all the members of the committee in the near future to set a pathway for the future on what will be the role for the committee. Thorsten has been elected to this position for the next 4 years. 

2023 Canada Winter Games Aboriginal Apprentice Program

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The Aboriginal Sports Circle (ASC), Canada Games Council (CGC), the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sports Bodies (PTASB) and the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCR’s) strongly believe that coaching apprenticeship programs are an essential part of the development of a coach.

The link to the forms:

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Table Tennis North’s Thorsten Gohl receives the Coaching Association of Canada Impact Award

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Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, November 4, 2021 – Table Tennis North Executive Director, Thorsten Gohl, received the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) Impact Award during today’s CAC 2021 Gala. Thorsten Gohl, who is an Arctic Winter Games and Canada Games coach, has been involved with table tennis in the Northwest Territories for the last eight years. During this time, he has been preparing athletes for multi-sport games nationally and internationally and working with over 15 communities in the Northwest Territories through Table Tennis North’s outreach program. 

The Coaching Association of Canada Impact Award is presented to an individual or organization in recognition of their creation of an innovative event or program that has benefited the sport and coaching community. Earlier this year, Thorsten Gohl, along with other sports collaborators, introduced a new pilot project in Hay River, Northwest Territories, combining table tennis and hockey to improve hand-eye coordination and reaction time. Seven goaltenders aged nine to 15 participated in this program and learned a variety of table tennis drills and games to enhance their balance and reflexes. Due to the pilot project’s success, Table Tennis North and its partners are now looking to start this program in the Sahtu and Beaufort Delta regions by 2022.

“On behalf of Table Tennis Canada, I congratulate Thorsten Gohl for this great honour. Thorsten deserves the award for his tireless work in developing sport in the North. We are very proud that our Coaching Development Chair is recognized by the Coaching Association of Canada and that his efforts are making a difference. Table Tennis Canada is lucky to have Thorsten as one of its dedicated volunteers. We are very proud of his achievements, and we wholeheartedly congratulate him for receiving the CAC’s “Impact Award.” – Adham Sharara, President Table Tennis Canada

“There are many innovative programs happening from coast to coast to coast and even beyond the Canadian border. From the Olympic Games movement to playing on an ice table in the middle of a frozen lake in the Northwest Territories, finding fun and effective out of the box projects brings sports together, like table tennis and hockey. The importance of supporting our youth, providing them with knowledge and guidance is key to help them stay active and become the best version of themselves,” mentions Thorsten Gohl, Executive Director of Table Tennis North.

Furthermore, the award highlights the Female Mentorship program that Thorsten Gohl has started and overseen since 2020, which brings coaches from the three Territories together. This program brings in international speakers like Arctic Winter Games Coach Steve Rowe from the United Kingdom, National Junior Team Coach Maxime Surprenant from Québec and former National Team Player Julia Charbonneau from Ontario. Presenting virtual sessions to bring female coaches closer together and starting the process in educating them for the 2023 Canada Games and beyond is a great initiative that will continue to grow.

“Thorsten Gohl is a force in creating a legacy of women’s leadership in communities throughout the North. His mentorship program for female coaches and Hockey and Table Tennis program are designed to have a lasting impact in changing the sport landscape for young children, and in setting the stage for the next generation of women coaches,” says Lorraine Lafrenière, Chief Executive Officer of the Coaching Association of Canada.

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CBC coverage on Hockey & Table Tennis

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Check out our coverage on CBC on our Hockey & Table Tennis program. Have a look at minute 20:34 and listen to our Executive Director Thorsten Gohl and athlete Deacon Tybring.

Table Tennis training enhancing reaction time and hand-eye coordination for hockey goalies

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Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, October 6, 2021 – Table Tennis North is releasing the results of a six-week pilot program in the Northwest Territories, which combined skills from two sports; table tennis and hockey. Research shows that participation in multiple sports early in an athlete’s development can have benefits for young athletes, including fewer injuries, enhanced movement skills, and a greater likelihood of long-term sport participation (Côté & Vierimaa, 2014; LaPrade et al., 2016). In addition, skills developed in one sport have the potential to transfer into other sports (Baker, Cobley, & Fraser-Thomas, 2009), which could improve overall sport performance.

With this research in mind Table Tennis North, Table Tennis Canada, Hockey NWT, Hockey North, and Hay River Minor Hockey came together to develop a pilot program. From February 23 to April 4, 2021, seven hockey goalies aged nine to 15 years old participated in a six-week table tennis training program in Hay River, Northwest Territories. The goal of this program was to improve the goalies’ hand-eye coordination and reaction time both on and off the ice.

“Strong hand-eye coordination skills are essential in most sports,” said Thorsten Gohl, Executive Director of Table Tennis North. “Mixing games like table tennis and hockey is the quickest way to improve hand-eye coordination and reaction time in children and teenagers. It keeps them balanced and works with reactions to determine reflex speeds”.

“It is exciting to be partnered with Table Tennis North and seeing innovative projects like this being put on. To be able to see first hand how this pilot program was developed and see how engaged and excited the participants were was excellent,” said Lee Cawson, VP Operations, Aurora Group. “We are looking forward to seeing this continue and other innovative projects come out of our partnership.”

The Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) was contracted to evaluate this pilot program. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess if, and to what to extent, the 6-week table tennis program increased participants’ hand-eye coordination and reaction time. A secondary purpose was to explore participants’ experiences in and perceptions of the program.

“This program offered a unique opportunity for young hockey goalies to develop their skills in a fun, creative and supportive learning environment,” said Veronica Allan, Manager of Research and Innovation at SIRC. “The findings of the evaluation put a spotlight on the early successes of the program, and showed support for its expansion.”

On average, participants improved their off-ice hand-eye coordination by 20.5% after participating in the table tennis training program. Participants’ off-ice computer reaction time, on average, increased by 9.7% following the table tennis training program. On the final test, participants improved their on-ice save percentage by 15.8% following the table tennis training program.

“A multi-sport approach is the best way to enhance and develop physical literacy in individuals, and Mackenzie Recreation Association was excited to support this innovative pilot project that brought together Hockey & Table Tennis to do just this,” added Jessica VanOverbeek, Executive Director Mackenzie Recreation Association.

Table Tennis North and its partners are excited to continue this program in 2022 and expand it to additional northern communities. [ML1] 

Table Tennis North is a not-for profit organization that supports, promotes and develops an active, healthy and fun environment with the sport of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories.


For more information, please contact:

Thorsten Gohl

Executive Director

Table Tennis North


[email protected]

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation gives us the opportunity to recognize and commemorate the intergenerational harm that residential schools have caused to indigenous families and communities. It aims to honour those who have been affected by this injustice, celebrate resilience and affirm a commitment that every child matters. 

“This illustration for Truth and Reconciliation Day is about remembering those who didn’t make it home during residential schools. The hand print design is about how each child has history, sacred culture and is unique. The eagle feather is honouring them and the birds are bringing them to peace.” – Elaine Landry

On September 30th we will wear orange to remember, to reflect and to celebrate resilience. We hope that you all join us. 

About Elaine Landry

Elaine a local artist from Fort Providence, Northwest Territories. She studied fine arts at AuArts Calgary and has been drawing for as long as she can remember. 

Saying #ThanksCoach

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National Coaches Week is a time to celebrate the positive impact coaches have on athletes in our communities. The annual campaign is an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by taking the time to say #ThanksCoach.

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