250 kids doing Aerobic Table Tennis in ONE session

TT NORTH 802 comments

Another amazing session in Yellowknife. 250 kids doing a session of Aerobic Table Tennis. YES, ALL AT ONCE!!!

What a great time we had at Weledeh School. 2 days of intense jumping up and down and seeing a lot of smiles on kids faces.

Thank you!!!

TT NORTH 101 comments

A great way to finish off a week filled with Table Tennis. Thank you Mackenzie Recreation Association, Aerobic Table Tennis and Butterfly North America for all the support towards making this possible.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all our amazing volunteers. Without YOU, all this would not be possible. And, the kids, adults, supporters and everyone involved have been GREAT!

The website is online!

TT NORTH 5,802 comments

Finally the website is online and we are ready to share the experience of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories. GO NWT GO, GO TABLE TENNIS GO!

Table Tennis North WEBSITE
Table Tennis North FACEBOOK



AWG Trials are coming up soon – sign up!

TT NORTH 210 comments

SIGN UP every one for the Arctic Winter Games Trials and have a good chance to become part of the NWT Team going to Greenland in March 2016.

Training Camp in Fort Providence

TT NORTH 2 comments

Table Tennis North is hosting a Table Tennis Trainings Camp in Fort Providence on November 13th till the 15th. For signing up or more information e-mail [email protected]



We are on Facebook!!!

TT NORTH No Comments

Did you notice that Table Tennis North has a Facebook page!? If not, you should definitely check it out, like us, share our articles and promote Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories.

Check us out on Facebook!

Fort Providence

TT NORTH 82 comments

Table Tennis is big in Fort Providence and most of the kids play 4 days a week. Right now we have clinics with every class at the school for a few weeks.

Can you see the excitement in the kids.

World Peace Day

TT NORTH 69 comments

Deh Gah School is celebrating World Peace Day with a round of Table Tennis today. A fun way to support World Peace. Check out the video right HERE!!!



AGM October 14th 2015

TT NORTH 2 comments

Table Tennis North will be hosting its first AGM on Wednesday October 14th 2015 in Fort Providence at 6pm. If you are a member and interested in attending, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]

Here is the agenda:

Call to Order by the chair (President)
Approval of Agenda
President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Acceptance of Financial Statements
Executive Directors Report (Arctic Winter Games update, Long Term Strategic Plan)
Bylaws Amendments, 2015 updates
Constitution Amendments, 2015 updates
Membership Form Amendments
Nominations & Elections
New Business (if available)
Call to Adjourn

Are you interested in Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories?