Did you ever wonder what paddle or racket is the best for you? Have a look at this article, a great way to learn more about the equipment to play Table Tennis!!!
Did you ever wonder what paddle or racket is the best for you? Have a look at this article, a great way to learn more about the equipment to play Table Tennis!!!
Our second virtual Aerobic Table Tennis instructor was a huge success. At the end, we were able to give Professional Development points for our participants that will be reflected in their Coaches Association of Canada‘s database (The Locker).
We will have more courses coming in the near future.
We are excited to continue our partnership with the Richmond Olympic Oval. Providing amazing webinars on Fitness, Nutrition and Mental Performance to our Table Tennis community, Territorial Sport Organizations and the Table Tennis Canada family.
Here are our upcoming sessions:
Strength & Conditioning February 3rd & 10th, 2022 at 12pm MST
Mental Performance March 10th & 24th, 2022 at 12pm MST
Nutrition February 24th & March 17th, 2022 at 12pm MST
If you like to connect directly, here is the information:
Meeting ID: 837 8401 3290
Passcode: 191438
If you have any questions or need more information, please e-mail [email protected] and/or check our website for any updates and recordings.
We are excited to announce that Arctic Winter Games Coach Steve Rowe will return back to the Northwest Territories.
Steve will be overseeing the school outreach program, our projects on Hockey & Table Tennis as well as Physical Literacy & Table Tennis. He will be working with our Team NT athletes to start the preparation for the 2023 Arctic Winter Games and the 2023 Canada Winter Games.
“We are super thrilled to have Steve back in the North” says Executive Director Thorsten Gohl. “His energy is creating a wonderful atmosphere for our communities to be active and having fun with playing Table Tennis.”
Steve will also be working on a virtual setting for teaching Table Tennis remotely to schools in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Giving smaller communities the possibility to try out Table Tennis and hopefully find locals to help and support the program. This will be a pilot project that will run from Fort Providence.
No matter what you call it, Table Tennis or Ping Pong, we hope you join us!!!
Table Tennis North is excited to host another Aerobic Table Tennis COACH workshop on February 26th, 2022 form 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm.
“Our first virtual coaching workshop with Canadian National Team Athletes was absolutely amazing,” says Aerobic Table Tennis founder Steve Rowe. “We had such a great time that we want to keep the momentum and continue the success.”
We will offer the course to all Table Tennis coaches, athletes, officials, but also open it up for anyone that would like to learn more about Table Tennis and a fun way to interact with participants. The course will be giving you professional development points for your coaching certification with the National Coach Certification Program by the Coaching Association of Canada.
The workshop will provide learners with the necessary skills to be able to:
If you like to sign up for the workshop, please reach out to [email protected] and we sign you up. We hope to see you on February 26, 2022 at 10am!!!
As coaches, mentors and role models to others, the language we use and the questions we ask can make or break the quality experiences of the people in our programs. This session will explore concepts and tools that will help you to speak through an inclusive lens and help you to create quality experiences and inclusive programs for all who participate.
Mini session from February 17, 2022. Check it out!!!
After several weeks of submissions and registrations coming in, countless ball bounce counting, we are excited to announce the 2022 Virtual Freestyle Ping Pong Corporate CHAMPION, the Mackenzie Recreation Association.
The 2022 Virtual Freestyle Ping Pong Challenge starts today!! Show us your table tennis skills, and don’t forget to have FUN!! Register here: https://tabletennisnorth.ca/vfppc/ #VFPPC
Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, January 17, 2022 – Table Tennis North (TTN) is excited to launch its inaugural 2022 Virtual Freestyle Ping Pong Corporate Challenge, which will take place from January 21 to 31, 2022. This event aims to encourage new and continued participation in the sport of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories through a safe avenue during these unprecedented times. Registration for the Challenge opens today!
“The Virtual Challenge is designed to be a fun event and bring some friendly competition as teams represent their organizations, and compete to win the TTN Corporate Challenge Trophy and bragging rights,” said Thorsten Gohl, Executive Director for Table Tennis North. “Now, more than ever, sport participation is essential to help us stay healthy in mind, body, and community spirit.”
The event comprises of four challenges: 1) Ping-Pong Flip; 2) Balance Jump; 3) Wall hit; and 4) Hand switch. Participants will record themselves completing any of the four challenges within 30 seconds and submit a video to Table Tennis North. Officials will assess the results and calculate scores.
The winners will get their team name added to the TTN Corporate Challenge trophy and receive a plaque, as well as a free youth table for their facilities. There will also be individual prize packs for one male and one female with the highest individual scores.
The Virtual Challenge is open to all businesses and organizations located in the Northwest Territories with no age restrictions. A maximum of four participants are able to be a part of each team to represent a business or organization. Anyone working within the organizations is eligible to join. For the Challenge guidelines and additional information, please visit: https://tabletennisnorth.ca/vfppc/
Table Tennis North is a not-for profit organization that supports, promotes and develops an active, healthy and fun environment with the sport of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories.
For more information, please contact:
Thorsten Gohl
Executive Director
Table Tennis North
[email protected]
Follow-us on Facebook
Web: https://tabletennisnorth.ca/
Table Tennis North & Aerobic Table Tennis came together on Saturday, January 15th, 2022 to educate female coaches in the Territories and Canadian National Team Athletes to learn more about Aerobic Table Tennis.
“The hope now is to have the program delivered virtually to schools and communities in the North. Inspiring the communities to be active and having fun” says Executive Director Thorsten Gohl.
Starting Aerobic Table Tennis 10 years ago, Steve Rowe was excited about it. “Who would have thought it would be possible to hold a virtual Aerobic Table Tennis Workshop? In partnership with Table Tennis North, we held the first ever virtual Aerobic TT workshop. It was an amazing thing to be part of and I can’t thank the girls enough. It was a huge success. Big thanks to Thorsten Gohl and Table Tennis North for making it possible.”
Table Tennis North will have more workshops in the near future and work in partnership with other organizations in the near future to help and support coaches Canada wide. “It is about coming together, and providing everyone with more knowledge. You don’t need to just do Aerobic Table Tennis, but take some of the elements for your tool box, and we are happy with that,” continues Thorsten.
A huge thank you to Table Tennis Canada’s Gender Equity Committee to help and support our programming in the North. Reaching out to all the three Territories and even including National Team Athletes.
We will partner with other organizations to provide a full on High Performance Aerobic Table Tennis program virtually. Bringing our Provinces & Territories closer together.