Author Archives: TT NORTH

2016 Deh Gah School Championships

TT NORTH 1,034 comments

Deh Gah School in Fort Providence was hosting their first ever Table Tennis Championships. Tournament Director Mikaela Vandell hosted over 50 kids from Junior to Senior High School to find a winner in the 2 days afternoon competition.

Senior High – 1. Place Willie Aqulaq 2. Place Dustin Bonnetrouge 3. Place Wyatt Causa

Junior High – 1. Place Evan Nadly 2. Place Luke Bonnetrouge 3. Place Isaac Bonnetrouge

After 3 weeks of Table Tennis Clinics at Deh Gah School and a daily Table Tennis Club, it was a great way to finish the physical education classes with a tournament.

Images from the tournament

Tournament Director Mikaela Vandell with the Winners

POSTPONED Annual General Meeting

TT NORTH 2,575 comments

Deh Gah School will be hosting the 2016 AGM for Table Tennis North on October 21th at 6pm. It was scheduled for the 14th. If you cannot make it or you have any question, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject title AGM. Thank you!


  • Call to Order by the chair
  • Approval of Agenda
  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Acceptance of Financial Statements
  • Executive Directors Report 
  • Membership 
  • Nominations & Elections
  • New Business
  • Call to Adjourn

Table Tennis AWG Athletes competing at the 2016 NWT Cross Country Run

TT NORTH 260 comments

October 07th 2016, Fort Providence – 2014 AWG Table Tennis Athlete Fiona Huang and 2016 AWG Table Tennis Athlete Jacqueline Larocque competed at the 2016 NWT Cross Country Run in Fort Providence. Fiona roled her ankle during the race and could not compete at her best, like she did in 2015 when she won the gold medal. Jacqueline on the other hand was in good form, with a big smile on her face and ended up with a Silver Medal in her hands.

We had some questions for both Athletes.


How do you feel? Was it fun?

Jacqueline: It felt awesome I had a lot of fun. I wish I could do it again next year I feel like I could have put in a better time at the end. But I feel as I did great, my first year since grade 7 and I got second. I had only trained for about 2-3 days a week for about 2 weeks. So I am pretty proud of my progress that run.

Fiona: I actually didn’t do that good because I rolled my ankle ?

Was it as hard running Cross Country than it was playing Table Tennis in Greenland?

Jacqueline: No there is no multitasking involved. I didn’t have to focus on anything else but my legs and positive mind to keep going. Where as table tennis there is a bit more to be aware of; the other opponent and how they will play, your body and which way you will go, and trying to keep up hope for the rest of the match

What is harder, running a Cross Country Run or playing Table Tennis at the Arctic Winter Games?

Fiona: Hmmm table tennis I think. hHha running is easier for me!

Do you still play table tennis from time to time?

Jacqueline: Every so often. Not as much as I did for training for the Arctic Winter Games. But it’s fun to just do a game here and there with some friends.

Fiona: Yes I did play this year haha ! Just at lunch and little fun games with my schoolmates. Depends on the match, but sometimes I “kicked some butt”.

What else are you up too lately?

Jacqueline: I go to the gym or I run. Lately I have been doing quite a bit of Volleyball. Last year of high school I better make it count by motivation and progress on my athleticism. School, work, and my health is my main thing right now.

Fiona: Just busy with school.

UP HERE magazine

TT NORTH 586 comments

UP HERE Magazine came to Fort Providence to do some research on an editorial piece about Table Tennis in the Hamlet. The story should be in the December issue of the magazine.

A big thank you to Elaine for coming out and being part of our community!!!


UP HERE magazine WEBSITE and FACEBOOK page

“2016 Youth Leadership Award” – Tamara Jovic

TT NORTH 823 comments

We are so proud of 2016 AWG Athlete and Silver Medalist in the Juvenile Girls Doubles, Tamara Jovic. She received the “2016 Youth Leadership Award” from NWT Recreation and Parks Association.



Mini Table Tennis Table to give away

TT NORTH 793 comments


We want you to get involved, get active and have fun!!! Then you will also know what is happening with Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories! 

We have a GIVE AWAY!!! Enter to win a THOR Mini Tennis Table!!  Like our Facebook Page and you will automatically be entered in the draw.

You can pick up the Table in Yellowknife, Hay River or Fort Providence. Or, if the winner is further North we will try and make something work!!! 

We should reach at least 500 likes! The winner will be posted on Facebook!!!


“From student to teacher”

TT NORTH 604 comments

A very nice article in the Dehcho Drum “From student to teacher” in showing the growth of Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories. Two time Arctic Winter Games Athlete Mikaela Vandell taking on a different role. This time, coaching the children at Deh Gah School in Fort Providence!

Have a look at the article!


2 times Arctic Winter Games Athletes to teach at Deh Gah School

TT NORTH 3,491 comments

2016 Arctic Winter Games, and Grade 12 Graduation have been exciting events in Athlete Mikaela Vandell’s year. Also exciting that she is back at school, having just received her Certificate a few weeks ago. Why? To study more? To upgrade courses?  All wrong guesses! Mikaela, who also participated in the 2014 Arctic Winter Games, is back to inspire and teach the kids at Deh Gah School Table Tennis! She brings her years of experience from practice and competitions into the class to share her wisdom and enthusiasm for the sport.

“White Rabbit” she calls out and the kids now know it is the signal to hold up your racket. Or as she shows the right hand grip -” what is this called again?” “Yes, you got it, the shake hand grip. Good job everyone!”

The 17 year old Mikaela will be with classes from Grades 4 to 9 for the entire week. Can you see all the smiles that brings? Thanks for sharing your skills and fun and coming back to Deh Gah! Great to see you here!

And the Table Tennis season begins …

TT NORTH 341 comments

Fort Providence is taking off with Table Tennis this week.

The first day of Table Tennis is concluded. Today the kids learned a bit about the service in Table Tennis. First a nice warm up with “Flush Tag” and then an obstacle course on 4 tables to learn the basics about Table Tennis.

Frog Games, Targets and Table Tennis Cricket were all part of this fun day! And of course a lot of smiles!!!

Legacy of the 2018 South Slave Arctic Winter Games has began.


Table Tennis North becomes a member of Table Tennis Canada

TT NORTH 2 comments

“It has been a fantastic few month for Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories. Being part of Table Tennis Canada means a lot to us as we can now participate in the Western Hopes Week, the Canadian Championships and run sanctioned tournaments. It will give our kids a boost to not just work towards the Arctic Winter Games every 2 years, but also participate in tournaments for the Northwest Territories.” Vice-President Mike Johnston, Table Tennis North.

Are you interested in Table Tennis in the Northwest Territories?